Freyta's Little Notebook

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MythTV settings / changes for my setup

To fix mythweb !!NoTrans: Connection refused [#2002] error with MythWeb not connecting to the backend, check /etc/mysql/conf.d/mythtv.cnf that the bind address is commented out (#). Current working config is bind-address= And then restart mysql service with sudo systemctl restart mysql.service.

Whenever I update MythTV for some reason the backend doesn't start in time for the frontend. To fix this problem I have added the following lines "sudo systemctl restart mythtv-backend.service" to /usr/bin/mythfrontend just after the line beginning with pidof mythfrontend.real. This seems to fix the problem for now.
Update: To fix this much easier, copy the service from /lib/systemd/system/mythtv-backend.service to /etc/systemd/system/mythtv-backend.service. And then add the following lines before the ExecStart line: ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/nm-online --quiet --timeout=5. Reload the service daemon (sudo systemctl daemon-reload). Reboot, and it should be fixed. Source.

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